4-Day Hawai'i Virtual Externship in Emotionally Focused Therapy
July 7-8 & 14-15, 2022
Registration is Closed
2023 Hawai'i Externship Coming Soon!!!
This official 4-Day Externship is endorsed by the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a short-term, structured and evidence-based approach to reduce couple distress and create more secure attachment bonds.
Through a multifaceted learning experience from lecture, videos, experiential exercises and live demonstration, participants will learn to see relationship distress from an attachment lens, recognize attachment and affect regulation strategies that maintain couple distress, facilitate reprocessing of underlying emotional responses and shape new bonding events.
Take the first step of your journey, with this beginning level course, towards becoming an ICEEFT Certified EFT therapist. For more info on all of the requirements on how to become an ICEEFT Certified EFT therapist, click this link:
Invitation by Sue Johnson
Meet Your Trainer:
Cindy Goodness Zane, PsyD, JD
ICEEFT Certified Trainer, Supervisor, Therapist

Born and raised in Hawaiʻi, Dr. Zane is a local girl of multiethnic backgrounds who strongly identifies with her Hawaiian and Japanese ancestries. She started her professional life as an attorney, but discovered that she was drawn to helping people to improve their lives.
As a Hawaiʻi Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Zane enjoys working with clients of diverse backgrounds, identities and varied life experiences to overcome life challenges and strengthen their relationships. After all, life is less scary and most meaningful when we have close others to share it with.
Now an ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer and Supervisor, Dr. Zane is passionate about training more EFT clinicians throughout her home state of Hawaiʻi and from around the world. She especially enjoys supporting the development of EFTers of diverse backgrounds and identities, as well as those who work with diverse populations.

4 Days:
Thursday - Friday, July 7-8, 2022
Thursday - Friday, July 14-15, 2022
8:30 am - 5:00 pm (Hawaiʻi Time)
Online via Zoom
Target Audience:
Psychologists, psychotherapists, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, social workers
Reference Materials for Study:

Early Bird: $895 before 6/1/22
Regular Price: $1095 from 6/1/22
Intern/Military: $695
Full-time Graduate Student: $595
Payment can be made online, due at the time of registration. Completion of registration and payment reserves one's space for the Externship.
Cancellation requests received more than 15 days before the event will be refunded in full. Cancellation requests received 15 days or less before the event will receive a refund of the registration amount minus a $50 administration fee.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event for reasons of safety, act of God, minimum number of participants have not registered or any circumstance that reasonably detracts from the educative purpose &/or learning objective of this training. If the event is cancelled by the organizer, registrants will be issued a full refund.
Requests to cancel, questions or concerns can be emailed to drcindygoodnesszane@gmail.com
General Externship Objectives:
Gain clear understanding of theoretical underpinnings, research and road map of EFT;
See relational and emotional distress of couples, families and individuals through the lens of attachment theory;
Explore, organize and distinguish negative interaction patterns that maintain relational distress;
Access, assemble and deepen core attachment emotions that underly negative interaction patterns;
Apply systemic, experiential and humanistic interventions as EFT micro-interventions;
Practice the 5 core moves of the EFT Tango macro-intervention;
Shape key bonding events that build secure connection;
Overcome therapeutic impasses and address existential dilemmas.
Continuing Education Credits:
28 Hours of CE Credits will be available for separate purchase. CE purchase information will be forthcoming. To receive credits, one must attend the entirety of all four (4) days. No partial credit will be given.
Disclosure Statement:
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
Limited to 70 participants.
This training is interactive, with cameras on. We will at times break into smaller groups for discussion or role play led by experienced EFT clinicians. Also, we will be showing video of actual client sessions so youʻll need ot view those sessions where no one else can see your screen.
Daily Schedule
8:30 am to 5:00 pm Hawaiʻi Time
Day 1: What makes EFT work: Theoretical underpinnings, research and the EFT road map from insecure to secure attachment
Day 2: Demonstration Session, EFT Interventions and Stage 1
Day 3: Demonstration Session, and Stage 2
Day 4: Becoming and EFT Therapist, Stage 3