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Core Skills Hawai'i 2021-2022

Registration is Now Open!
Join Us on O'ahu 

Core Skills Advanced Training in EFT

Core Skills Advanced Training will consolidate your understanding of EFT theory, enhance your acuity to intervene with increasing granularity, and broaden and deepen your EFT skills across the entire EFT road map. It consists of four 2-day workshops that provide in-depth study of each of the EFT steps via multimodal instruction, video examples and supported practice experiences as set forth by the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). 


There will be opportunity for participants to get feedback on videos of oneÊ»s own work with clients. Bringing a video to view is a requirement for completion of this training. 


Completion of Core Skills meets one of the ICEEFT requirements to apply for Certification as an EFT Therapist. The only outstanding requirements for Certification after attending Core Skills is 8 hours of individual supervision and demonstration of competency in the EFT model. Final decision regarding readiness for certification is determined by ICEEFT. For more information on ICEEFTʻs Certification requirements and application process, click here:




Module One:  October 28-29, 2021 

  • Steps 1-2 Assessment & Cycle Assessment


Module Two:  December 2-3, 2021

  • Steps 3-4 De-Escalation


Module Three:  January 27-28, 2022

  • Steps 5-7 Withdrawer Re-Engagement


Module Four:  March 10-11, 2022

  • Steps 5-7 Pursuer Softening




Fridays:       9:00 am - 4:00 pm HST (45 min. lunch break)

Saturdays:   9:00 am - 4:00 pm HST (45 min. lunch break)








1. Read Sue Johnsonʻs (2020) 3rd edition of The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy: Creating Connection

2. Completed an ICEEFT approved EFT Externship

3. Using EFT with at least two couples regularly

4. Acquired a signed release from the couple(s) to the videotape record session

5.  Acquired, prior to presenting any case material, a signed release from the couple for the use of their data as a part of this consultation group

6. Complete the Case Presentation Form and supply sanitized copies (as pdf via Zoom Chat Box or via hard copies if in-person) to each group member prior to presenting

Target Audience

Psychologists, psychotherapists, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, social workers. 

Your Trainer


Cindy Goodness Zane, Psy.D., J.D.

ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer, Supervisor, Therapist

Dr. Cindy Goodness Zane is a licensed Clinical Psychologist with a private practice in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.


Born and raised in HawaiÊ»i to parents with multiethnic roots, Dr. Zane strongly identifies with her Hawaiian-Japanese ancestries and spiritual faith. She enjoys working with people of diverse cultural backgrounds, identities, faiths and varied life experiences. 


She began her professional life as a criminal defense trial attorney who discovered that she enjoyed helping people to overcome life challenges and strengthen their relationships. After all, life is less scary and more cherishing when you have close others to share it with.


Dr. Zane is passionate about training more EFT clinicians throughout her home state, supporting the development of EFTÊ»ers of diverse backgrounds and identities, as well as those who work with diverse populations. 

Limited Seats


Each cohort is limited to a maximum of 16 attendees. Attendance based on first-come basis. Registration & payment must be completed to be enrolled.





$450 per Module for Modules 1-4 

(Entire course paid in per Module segments = $1800)


Save $100 by paying for all 4 Modules at once (Full payment upfront = $1700)


$400 per Module for Modules 1-4 for full-time students (Total = $1600)


Payment can be made online, due at the time of registration.


Completing the registration and first payment commits the applicant to attend all four Modules and reserves one's space for the whole course.









Cancellation requests received more than 30 days before the event will be refunded in full. Cancellation requests received 30 days or less before the event will receive a refund of the registration amount minus a $50 administration fee.


The organizer reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event for reasons of safety, act of God, minimum number of participants have not registered or any circumstance that reasonably detracts from the educative purpose &/or learning objective of this training. If the event is cancelled by the organizer, registrants will be issued a full refund.


Requests to cancel, questions or concerns, please email to

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Participants are required to have completed an EFT Externship and be willing to present their own work through videotape presentation. EFT Advanced Core Skills is designed for mental health professionals and trainees. Participants are required to note their professional affiliation on their registration form.


Case Presentation Video Requirement


By the end of Module Four, each participant must present one case that displays oneÊ»s work with a couple to obtain consultation and feedback about oneÊ»s work in the EFT model. Presentations can be done during any one of the four Modules. The date of oneÊ»s presentation will be assigned if one does not volunteer to present during a specific Module.


The overall presentation is approximately 30 minutes:  10 min. of case overview and up to 20 minutes of video review. Please be prepared by:

  • Demarcating start & end times for approximately 20 continuous minutes of your videotape to show

  • Completing a sanitized Case Presentation Form (for Form click link below)

  • Having your completed Case Presentation Form ready for distribution to your cohort members (if online by having your document saved in PDF format to be disseminated via the Zoom Chat Box or if in person by having sufficient hard copies to be handed out

  • Bringing all necessary digital media equipment to show your video clip (e.g., computer, USB storage device, cords, etc.) 


Disclosure Statement

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.

Continuing Education Credits


This even is co-sponsored by R. Cassidy Seminars, P.O. Box 14473, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. 48 hours of CE credits are available for purchase in the amount of $40.00 (not included in tuition) via a separate payment process. See link below. To receive credits you must attend all 4 modules. No partial credit will be given. 







Satisfactory Completion
Participants must have paid tuition fee, logged in and out each day, attended the entire webinar, and completed an evaluation to receive a certificate. Failure to log in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire course. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. Certificates will be available following course completion at


R. Cassidy Seminars is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.  R. Cassidy Seminars maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 48 CE hours


NY: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts. #P-0005. 48 clock hours. Live online.


Social Workers
CA and Other States: Most states accept continuing education courses offered by approved providers with national providerships or will accept the approvals of other state licensing boards of the same license type. Others, either do not require pre-approval of courses, or will allow licensees to retroactively file for course approval themselves. R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider with two national providerships, as well as holding many individual state license type approvals. Check with your board to obtain a final ruling.

IL-SWs: Illinois Dept of Professional Regulation, Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, #159.000782.  
48 hours.
NY: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider (#0006) of continuing education for licensed social workers. This program is approved for 48 contact hours Live online.
OH: Provider approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board for 
48 clock hours, #RCST110701


Counselors/Marriage and Family Therapists
CA and Other States: Most states accept continuing education courses offered by approved providers with national providerships or will accept the approvals of other state licensing boards of the same license type. Others, either do not require pre-approval of courses, or will allow licensees to retroactively file for course approval themselves. R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider with two national providerships, as well as holding many individual state license type approvals. Check with your board to obtain a final ruling.
IL-MFTs: Illinois Dept of Professional Regulation, Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, #168-000141.  48 hours.
NY-LMHCs: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0015. 48 contact hours. Live online.
NY-LMFTs: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists. #MFT-0011 48 contact hours. Live online.
OH: Provider approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board for 
48 clock hours, #RCST110701
TX: Approved CE Sponsor through the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapists. Provider #151 48 CE hours.


Creative Arts Therapists
NY: R. Cassidy Seminars is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board of Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists, #CAT-0005. 48 contact hours. Live online.


Chemical Dependency Counselors
CA: Provider approved by CCAPP, Provider #4N-00-434-0222 for 48 CEHs. CCAPP is an ICRC member which has reciprocity with most ICRC member states
TX: Provider approved by the TCBAP Standards Committee, Provider No. 1749-06, 48 hours general. Expires 3/31/2021.  Complaints about provider or workshop content may be directed to the TCBAP Standards Committee, 1005 Congress Avenue, Ste. 460, Austin, Texas 78701, Fax Number (512) 476-7297.


TX: R. Cassidy Seminars is an approved provider with the Texas Education Agency CPE# 501456. This course is 48 CE Hours.


CA: Provider approved by the CA Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CeP12224, for 48 contact hours

Disability Access - If you require ADA accommodations please contact our office 30 days or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.


Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.




Registration for In-Person Core Skills

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

I have the training and educational qualifications to legally practice as a professional mental health practitioner OR I am in formal training to be a professional mental health practitioner.

I have completed the prerequisite of an ICEEFT Approved EFT 4-Day Externship.

I acknowledge that: (1) I am familiar with and abide by professional and legal confidentiality requirements regarding all client information shared in the training; (2) I understand that Certification as an EFT Therapist is offered and determined by ICEEFT based on completion of all requirements and demonstration of competency in the model; completion of this training does not guarantee competency in the EFT model nor Certification as an EFT Therapist; and (3) enrollment in this training constitutes an agreement to hold harmless Cindy Goodness Zane, Psy.D., Cindy Goodness Zane, LLC, and all presenters and trainers from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all costs of defense and attorneyÊ»s fees incurred in anyway related thereto, therein and/or therefrom. I have read and agree to follow the terms for participation.

We plan to work with participant tapes in every module. Which module would you like to volunteer to present your case:  Module 1 - Oct. 28-29, 2021, Module 2 - Dec. 2-3, 2021, Module 3 - Jan. 27-28, 2022, or Module 4 - Mar. 10-11, 2022?

CS In-Person Registration Form

©2020 by Cindy Goodness Zane. Proudly created with 

Some photography by Joe Domrad Photography©:

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